Advent is the time of baked apples, mulled wine, hearty game stews and afternoons spent with a book. For me as well as for many Danes and Nordic folk is it as time for some Braendende Kaerlighed - some burning love. A warming, nurishing potatoe mash straight from the heart. It may be a humble dish of potatoes, bacon and onions but with the addition of cream & butter and lots of love it becomes a meal fit for king. Together with some pickled vegetables such as beetroot or pearl onions this dish epitomises why the Danes are the happiest people on earth.

I first had this dish in Den Gamle By in Aarhus - an open air musuem showcasing life in Denmark in bygone eras. These `Old Towns` exist elsewhere in Scandinavia. They are open all year round, often with operating businesses such as bakeries, workshops, greengrocers, butcher and lifestock showcasing old skills. If you are visiting during winter, never pass by the chance for some Burning Love. Make your own with Nell`s Travel Kitchen
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