Why Carnival is dying
Recently Insider has been attending the Fete de Citron in Menton and the Nice Carneval both at the Cote D´Azur as well as various Carnival processions in Switzerland amongst them the famous Basler Morgenstreich.. There were coulourful bands, amazing artists, beautifully designed floats, masses of confetti and thousands of spectators. So why then is Carnival dead? The answer is very simple and has nothing to do with cultural sensitivities, religious connotations or concerns about safety in a world where too many joyfoul celebrations are cruelly cut short by attacks. Festivals and events like these live from the interaction between the spectator and the performer - the clapping and cheering, the back and forth of confetti throwing, the looks of wonder and excitement at the colours and sounds and the creativity of the display. There has to be eye contact, smiling and jocular exchanges to show the crowds appreciation. Instead there is this....